Welcome to the Office of Student Affairs

We will help you integrate into the vibrant student community at Webster Geneva. Students can make the most of their time at Webster Geneva by attending any of our events or by joining one of the many student clubs or associations. Our office is also home to the Webster LEADS program.

As a current student you will have access to the student lounge, study room and gym. Come by the office to find out more information about what we can offer you on campus and how you can get involved.

The electronic Student Affairs Newsletter brings you news regarding upcoming events, conferences, workshops and other Webster Geneva Campus related news on a bi-weekly basis. Once you are enrolled, you will receive these valuable news announcements at your webster.edu email account.

Student Affairs Information

Webster Geneva Campus offers a variety of opportunities designed to help you build a close-knit community on campus and beyond. Explore the many ways of getting involved with different clubs and organizations on campus, expand your leadership skills and enhance your academic and social life at Webster Geneva.

Learn About Geneva's Clubs and Associations

Learn … Evolve … Apply … Develop … Serve … LEADS

In today’s real world, learning about leadership is more important than ever before. We want you to receive the tools necessary to succeed in our global society. We want you to have the right knowledge and the right skills to become leaders.

Mission Statement

WebsterLEADS is an on-going application of scholarship and practical leadership experience empowering our diverse student population to develop and excel as global citizens. Through a collaborative process between our students, staff, faculty, and the communities where we live and serve, we prepare our students with the knowledge, education and development to assume leadership on campus, in society and in the global workforce.

We achieve this mission by:

  • Recognizing and expanding upon the skills and gifts students possess.
  • Creating environments that foster personal reflection, significant relationships, diverse points of view, and student learning.
  • Providing opportunities for students to develop and apply their own philosophy and approach to leadership.
  • Expecting students to serve as role models and educators within the Webster University community worldwide.

The core components of the program include:

  • Leadership Classes.
  • Leadership Retreats.
  • Professional Development Workshops.
  • Service Learning Project.
  • Practical Leadership Experience.

Achieving the Leadership Certificate requires completion of a process we call the “5+2 System,” in which participants complete five core areas listed above, and repeat any two of them.

Work Study Scholarship Program

Some accepted practical leadership experience can be gained within the Work Study Scholarship (WSS) program. The WSS program at Webster Geneva Campus was created to:

  • Provide scholarship opportunities for students needing financial assistance.
  • Provide services Webster University could not otherwise provide without qualified student assistants.
  • Serve as many students as possible, with reasonable continuity.

Some of the accepted positions (if carried out by an UG) for Practical Leadership Experience (PLE) within the WSS are:

  • Resident Assistant
  • Graduation Ceremony Assistant
  • Alumni Office

Other on Campus Accepted Positions are:

  • Front Desk Management
  • Football Captain
  • Campus Activities Coordinator
  • Orientation Leader
  • Student Government President
  • NSO Student Leader

How do I know that I have the potential for this educational challenge?

If you can say “Yes” to the following questions, you are made for WebsterLEADS.
Come and join this fantastic educational adventure.

  • Are you eager to take charge of great projects?
  • Do you like to take initiatives?
  • Can you see yourself develop as an individual while inspiring others?
  • Do you see yourself capable of making a difference to your environment?
  • Are you excited about sharing ideas and responsibilities?
  • Do you believe in unifying groups of people to achieve something bigger than could ever be achieved individually?

The concept of a leadership program is to develop and enhance various different sets of skills, methodologies and ideas. Leadership programs enlighten various aspects of life and teach important life skills, such as self-analysis, cultural sensitivity, moral awareness, people skills and expertise in decision-making.

Quick Reflection on Service-Learning

A lesson learned from the experience:
“If you have the right mind set, a single week truly can shape a lifetime.”

If I could do it all over again I would…
”continue building relationships with the other volunteers creating lifelong friendships.”

Annual Student Events


Week 1 BBQ — The Week 1 Welcome Back BBQ, organized by the Student Government Association (SGA) takes place the week after orientation. The entire Webster community is invited to this fun-filled event with good food, music, and games.


ESCA Dragon Boat Races — The English Speaking Cancer Association (ESCA) dragonboat race is Webster Geneva’s main volunteering event of the year. A group of Webster student, faculty and staff travel to the Lac de Joux in the Swiss Alps to compete in dragonboat races and represent Webster at ESCA’s annual fundraising event.


Halloween Party — The Halloween Party is the first official party of the year, organized by the SGA. Members of the Webster Geneva community are encouraged to dress up and join the Halloween celebration taking place off-campus.


Global Thanksgiving — Global Thanksgiving is Webster Geneva’s signature event celebrating the multitude of cultures represented on campus. At the event, students, faculty and staff prepare traditional dishes from their countries to share with the Webster community.

Games Night — Games night is an evening of music, board games and videogames, organized by the SGA. The football enthusiasts compete in the FIFA tournament and the winner gets a prize.


Winter Break!


Zermatt Ski Trip — The yearly ski trip to Zermatt is a Student Affairs organized weekend where a group of students go to Zermatt alpine resort to enjoy a weekend away. They have the opportunity to partake in various activities including skiing, snowboarding, ice skating as well as an option to visit a local spa.


Delegates Agenda — Delegates’ Agenda is an SGA forum in which students present to the administration the top five issues or areas that need improvement at Webster Geneva. The administration picks three of those five topics and holds a presentation on planned improvements.

Webster’s Got Talent Geneva — Webster’s Got Talent is a talent show and competition that takes place every year. The show normally includes performances by singers, comedians, dancers and it is open to all students on the Webster Geneva campus. The top two winners have the opportunity to compete in the finals at Webster’s Got Talent Europe.


Football Tournament — The Football tournament is a competition between football teams from various Webster Campuses in Europe. The tournament is comprised of multiple qualifying rounds in one day.

Webster’s Got Talent Europe — Webster’s Got Talent Europe is the talent show in which all European campuses send the winners of their own shows in order to compete for the number one spot.



Student Affairs Staff

Dounia El Jaouhari

Dounia El Jaouhari

Student Services Manager

Phone: +41 22 959 8076
Email: Geneva.studentservices@webster.edu

Webster Geneva Campus

Lucélia Malengue

Event Coordination Team

Email: luceliamalengue@webster.edu