Tuition Costs to Study at Webster Geneva Campus
Full-time Bachelor Tuition Fees
Tuition rates for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Academic Years are as follows:
CHF 17,500 flat rate, per 16-week semester*
What is included in full-time tuition?
- All required textbooks are included in the tuition fees, as well as online access to the student portal, electronic library, personal Webster email accounts, etc.
- Academic Resources support, including Academic Advising, the Writing Center, peer tutoring programs, etc.
- Student Affairs activities, including most University-sponsored and Student Government Association-sponsored events (on-campus and/or online).
- Career Services support, including individual coaching for CV writing, internship and job search support, interview preparation and careers events on campus.
- Student Counseling Services, upon request, for individual support if/when needed.
- Campus facilities, including access to the computer labs, library, fitness center and media lab.
Excluded from tuition: Accommodations, meal plans, travel or personal expenses. Also, campus parking and optional fees for course electives that require additional media equipment or travel are excluded.
This flat-fee semester tuition rate permits students to register for 12 to 18 U.S. credit hours per semester (the equivalent of about four to six courses; most courses carry 3 credits). A typical bachelor's student takes 15 credit hours (five courses) per semester: this is the rate of progress necessary for students to graduate on time. The flat-fee rate allows for up to six courses per semester if students wish to advance more quickly toward graduation and have the academic potential to do so.
* This rate applies to the full 16-week semesters in Fall and Spring. Students who enroll for eight-week half-semester courses (first-time students joining in October or March, for example) are invoiced at the part-time rate of tuition for that specific eight-week term. Subsequent semesters of 16 weeks are then invoiced as per above.
Part-time Bachelor Tuition Rate
Tuition for those taking less than 12 credits in a given semester is billed at the per-credit-hour rate. The tuition rate for part-time students in 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 is CHF 1,100 per credit hour, equivalent to CHF 3,300 per 3-credit course. Those who enroll in multiple part-time courses in a given eight-week term are still eligible for the services listed above.
Estimating Your Annual Expenses
Webster Geneva Campus’s approximate educational expenses in Swiss Francs (CHF), including direct and indirect expenses, are:
- Full-time tuition (Fall and Spring): CHF 35,000
- University Housing: CHF 9,660-15,000 (varies by student choice*)
- Food: CHF 6,000-8,000 (varies, based on student choice**)
- Student health insurance: CHF 1,000
- Local transportation: CHF 500
* First-year students are required to live on campus in the Living and Learning Center for Fall and Spring semesters (CHF 9,660 total), unless they will live with immediate family in the Geneva area (an exemption request form can be approved). Registration for the Summer term is optional.
** Meal plans vary from about 3,000 CHF per semester and up; campus housing includes a small kitchenette (refrigerator and electric stove) in each room/unit.
Estimated total for one academic year (Fall and Spring), including direct and indirect expenses: CHF 52,200-59,500
Optional Summer Terms
Many students choose Summer coursework to advance their pace toward graduation, or for elective courses that may be available (including academic internships for credit). Those registering for courses in the Summer term will pay the per-credit-hour fee (as per part-time students) announced for the subsequent academic calendar year.
Payment Terms, Payment Plans and Deadlines
Students are invoiced per semester (or per eight-week term, following course registration) and are typically payable by the first week of the semester. Students/families may request a payment plan where 50% of a semester is paid before/by Week 1 and 50% by the mid-semester date.
Enrollment Deposits
After you are offered admission, a deposit of CHF 1,500 will confirm your enrollment. This deposit will confirm your plan to enroll, and permit Webster to preregister you for courses. The deposit will apply toward your first semester and will appear as a credit on your first tuition invoice.
Housing Deposits
Freshmen students are required to reside on campus. In order to reserve a place, we will kindly ask you to pay a deposit of CHF 1,000. For additional information, please see the Residential Life pages.
Rates for the Academic Years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
Webster's graduate courses run in eight-week terms (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, Spring 2, and Summer). Each term is invoiced individually.
Tuition for standard graduate courses is charged CHF 1,100 per credit hour, with most courses equivalent to 3 credits, as follows:
- One course (3 credits, studying one night per week for eight weeks): CHF 3,300
- Two courses (6 credits, studying two nights per week for eight weeks): CHF 6,600
Students are invoiced for each term individually, as they register for their next set of courses. Tuition payments are typically due by the Friday of Week 1 of each term (see below).
Reasonable Payment Terms
Webster Geneva Campus does not charge the full program tuition in advance. However, those who will require a student visa to attend Webster Geneva Campus (non-Swiss; non-EU; non-residents) will have to demonstrate sufficient funding to the Swiss consulate in advance of their studies. The Swiss consulates typically recommend pre-paying two full-time terms in advance.
The standard pace of study is two nights per week. At that pace, a 36-credit degree can be completed in about 14-16 months, including the Summer term (or 18 months, if excluding the optional Summer evening courses).
Tuition Inclusions
Tuition includes all required textbooks and/or electronic materials, online library access and Webster email, career services support, access to campus facilities (including fitness center, etc.), and a range of University-sponsored student activities and career-related events. Tuition does not include additional travel, personal technology/media equipment, accommodations, meals or personal expenses.
Total Degree Costs
The following are each 12-course degree programs (36 U.S. credits, at CHF 1,100 per credit):
- Cybersecurity Operations (MS)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Migration, Climate Change and the Environment (MA)
- Management and Leadership (MA)
Full Program Tuition for the above programs: CHF 39,600
Variable Graduate Program Tuition
The following degree programs are either of different lengths or formats/audiences:
- MA Counseling (program length: 48 credits): CHF 52,800
- Master en Gestion des Systèmes de Soins et de Santé (delivered in French): CHF 23,040 (CHF 1,920 per course)
Graduate Certificate Programs (varied lengths) are invoiced at CHF 640 per credit, including:
- Certificat de Recherche Avancée (French): CHF 7,680
- Certificat Leadership et Gestion (French): CHF 11,520*
* Credits for Certificate can be applied toward the Master en Gestion des Systèmes de Soins et de Santé (students who begin with the certificate therefore only pay for remaining courses if they also pursue the master's degree).
Diploma Fee: CHF 150
Indirect Cost Estimates
Estimated Expenses for living in Geneva
The following are provided for those who need to estimate total expenses related to life in Geneva, and are provided for your personal planning:
- Housing: CHF 17,500*
- Food and personal: 14 months at CHF 1,000 per month; CHF 14,000
- Student health insurance (required for non-locals): CHF 1,500
- Local transportation (city pass) for 14 months: CHF 800
* for those who choose to live in Webster-sponsored housing: 14 months at approx. CHF 1,250 per month
Enrollment Deposit (following admission)
Once accepted, in order to confirm your intent to attend Webster Geneva Campus, the next step is to pay a deposit of CHF 1,500. This deposit will confirm your plan to enroll, and permit Webster to preregister you for courses. The deposit will appear as a credit on your student account and will be deducted from your first term tuition invoice.
Housing Deposit (optional)
Graduate students may request housing in the Les Berges residence, situated in the center of Geneva. In order to reserve a place, we will kindly ask you to pay a housing deposit of CHF 1,000.
Scholarship and Financial Aid

Tuition Assistance Available

Students attending Webster Geneva Campus may be eligible for different types of tuition assistance.
- One in three bachelor's degree students receive partial scholarship and/or financial aid (see more, below!).
- One in four master's degree students receive some need-based financial aid support.
- All awards are partial-tuition awards; there are no standard full scholarship programs, and scholarship funding does not apply toward accommodations.
One Out of Every Three Undergraduate Students Receive Aid and/or Scholarship
Approximately 33% of the undergraduate student body benefits from one or more forms of financial aid or scholarship assistance to help fund their studies at Webster’s Geneva Campus.
There are various financial assistance programs for which eligible students may be considered. Depending on your demonstrated need and your academic ability, it may be possible to combine these different sources to help meet your financial needs gap (note: work-study positions may depend on your residency status in Switzerland and the EU).
1. Merit-based Academic Scholarship Awards
Higher-potential applicants who have demonstrated strong academic performance may be considered for Webster Geneva Campus's Scholars Program track. Typically, the admissions office makes recommendations to the Scholarship Committee, as part of its rolling applications review and decision process. Those whose grade point average (GPA) is about a 3.5/4.0 scale (or its equivalent in other grading systems) have the highest opportunity to earn scholarship support. Students from all nationalities can be considered for scholarships.
Individual scholarship awards range up to 30% of annual full-time tuition per year and are renewable each year provided students maintain the equivalent of a 3.5-grade point average.
The Scholars Program is invitation-only, and provides additional opportunities for advanced course work and a bachelor thesis, provided students maintain high grades during their studies. Those who complete the program earn a Scholars Program Certificate upon graduation.
Combined Award Packages
Students who earn Academic Scholarships may also combine financial aid awards. For Geneva-based funding, the maximum of combined awards from the Geneva campus is capped at about 30% of the annual full-time tuition. Note: United States citizens and U.S. Green Card holders may also be eligible for other forms of financial assistance from the U.S. Government (such as Pell Grants or Student Loans — see other special programs).
2. Need-based Financial Aid Awards
These grants are awarded in the form of a scholarship on the basis of demonstrated financial need of the student's family. There is a separate Financial Aid form for Webster Geneva Campus campus, available to those who have earned admission for a particular start date.
The Financial Aid form requests basic family income information, as well as supporting documents. Eligibility is determined based on the family’s financial ability to fund educational costs, and can range up to 30% of tuition, and are renewable each year of the student's enrollment, with some limited conditions.
3. On-Campus Work-Study
Available only to Swiss/EU citizens (or Swiss residents who are eligible to work in Switzerland). Work-study awards are a limited type of financial assistance that may permit you to work on campus up to 12 hours per week. Eligible students can earn an hourly salary that is credited towards tuition. Work-study positions at Webster include opportunities in academic departments, administrative offices, the library or in residence halls, for example. Earned pay is credited to the student tuition account. The advantages to you of working on campus go beyond financial remuneration. You will enhance your workplace skills and gain experience that you can leverage in a future job. Preference for these positions is given to students with documented financial needs.
4. Other Special Programs
U.S. Federal Aid Programs
As an accredited U.S.-based University, American citizens can use their FAFSA eligibility for small PELL Grants, Student Loans, and Family Loan programs. FAFSA applications are processed by our St. Louis campus, and in coordination with registration to Geneva-based courses, funds are disbursed through the university to the student's account at Webster in Switzerland. Learn more about the forms and procedures through our U.S. Financial Aid office on the main campus.
Webster Family Legacy Scholarship
Webster Geneva Campus offers this one-time-only CHF 2,000 award to new incoming students that have a sibling (brother or sister) currently enrolled in Webster Geneva. This award is credited towards the new student's tuition for the first semester of enrollment.
Webster Second Generation Legacy Scholarship
Webster Geneva Campus offers a CHF 2,000 yearly tuition (CHF 1,000 per semester) reduction for the direct descendants or dependent sons and/or daughters of Webster University alumni. The “Second Generation Legacy Scholarship” can be applied during the duration of a bachelor’s degree education, a maximum of four years.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
After earning admission, students and their families can request to apply for financial aid (need-based financial support) through a separate Webster Geneva Campus financial aid application form. It is recommended to apply soon after earning admission, as these grants are awarded on a rolling basis while funding is available. Students who are offered admission are given access to a "Welcome" website with further details and directions on how to apply.
- All families of bachelor's degree students can submit a financial aid "need-based" application for funding support from Webster. This application will require some additional documentation from the family regarding annual income, assets, and special family circumstances to determine eligibility for partial funding.
- All master's degree students can also submit a need-based financial aid application, with supplemental personal/family details for consideration of need-based awards.
May 1 is considered the priority application deadline for first-time bachelor's degree students entering the Fall semester. Those who apply for financial aid after this date may be considered if funding is available. Beyond May, there is no specific deadline to apply; however, once students begin the academic year, if the family financial circumstances change, they can apply for the subsequent academic year. Students/families can also avail themselves of a tuition payment plan (50% paid at the start of the semester and 50% paid by the mid-semester deadline).
Webster does not charge a full year of tuition in advance; invoices for both bachelor's and master's programs are issued semester-by-semester (term-by-term), each time they choose to register for the next session.
Webster Geneva Campus’ Admissions Team and Business Office are ready to work together with you. We are here to coach applicants and parents through the financial aid and tuition-planning process.
Be sure to review our Scholarships and Aid Financial section in the respective bachelor's or master's admissions pages for further details.
In addition:
- U.S. Citizens can use their federal aid eligibility to apply for subsidized U.S. federal loan programs.
- Swiss and EU Citizens can be considered for on-campus work-study positions, which can earn them up to CHF 3,800 each semester towards their studies.
- Third-party sponsorships, from parent employer plans to specific foreign government programs, may be applicable.