Geneva Alumni Chapter — 4000+ Graduates Worldwide
The Webster Alumni Association provides alumni the opportunity to stay connected with classmates, to discover new professional career paths, and to network with Webster alumni from across the global network.
For those in Switzerland, we always welcome alumni to our open campus events. Faculty and staff often invite alumni to join expert panels, to mentor individual students or to present to student groups about their personal paths and professional experience.

The mission of the Webster Alumni Association is to build bridges between each other and between alumni and Webster Geneva Campus. Our alumni become living examples in showing the impact of higher education for society and the workplace. They serve as ambassadors for the University's values and Webster's approach to a quality higher education, in their professional work and through their community engagement.
The Webster Alumni Association is a place where interconnections are lived. Our network provides opportunities to discover new professional career paths, to keep connected with the University, with each other and to meet other alumni from different years.
Social events and presentations are organized on campus to facilitate these connections. Webster Geneva Campus regularly invites alumni to speak about their professional experiences, to inspire current students as they explore career options. The diversity of the pathways chosen by our more than 4000+ alumni represent the diversity of Webster Geneva Campus.
Last but not least, Webster alumni have supported their alma mater by funding scholarship programs and other projects at Webster Geneva Campus. There are many ways to contribute to our community — as an alumni mentor, an admissions ambassador for candidates from your region or background, as a guest panelist or as a sponsor for our many scholarship and financial aid programs — which can help to change the direction of a student's lifetime.
Geneva Alumni Chapter
After graduating from Webster, you automatically become a member of the global Webster University Alumni Association, which is an international network of alumni. There is no membership fee, and the Association has been connecting graduates to one another and to their alma mater since 1923. There are over 200,000 Webster alumni worldwide from 150 nations located around the world. They are a part of a vibrant and dynamic group of entrepreneurs, innovators, educators, actors, writers, politicians, scientists, competitive athletes — as well as humanitarian volunteers, leaders of foundations and contributors to local communities.
The Geneva Chapter of the Alumni Association was established in 2005. Many of the 4,000+ Webster Geneva Alumni are connected through our pages on Facebook and LinkedIn. The Alumni and Development Department seeks to help alumni worldwide and encourages you to stay connected with Webster, and with one another, wherever you are in the world. This will provide access to professional and social networking opportunities, keep you up to date with events on campus and events scheduled further afield, allowing you to connect with alumni overseas.
Welcome to the Geneva Chapter of the Webster University Alumni Association!
The Geneva Chapter works toward the goals of the Alumni Association, namely to:
- Strengthen the ties between alumni through regular professional and social activities.
- Unite alumni interested in the accomplishments and the future progress of Webster University.
- Support development activities of Webster Geneva Campus, focusing on the educational programs.
If you are a graduate of Webster Geneva Campus and would like to know more, please contact us.