Arese Visconti Presents at Expo 2015

Francesco Arese Visconti, Webster Geneva Campus research faculty and Deputy Head of the Media Communications department, was invited by the municipality of Geneva on September 10th to present his work at the Expo 2015 in Milan (Italy). Under the project name “GENUS,” Arese Visconti is currently conducting research on the Italian community of Geneva. At Expo 2015, Arese Visconti exhibited ten photographic portraits of Italians who reside in western Switzerland and whose work relates to food (e.g., restaurateurs, food producers, experts from NGOs,… ). The selection of portraits represents an equal number of Italians moved to Switzerland in recent years and people of Italians origins, whose parents moved to Switzerland in the 1960's. Dr. Clementina Acedo, Director of Webster University Geneva, attended the exhibition along with Mr. Andrea Bertozzi, the General Consul of Italy in Geneva, Mr. Massimo Baggi, the General Consul of Switzerland in Milan, Messrs. Sami Kanaan and Rémy Paganini, City of Geneva Counselors. Acedo reflected: “Having Webster Professor Arese Visconti’s work exhibited at the Swiss Pavilion at Expo Milan 2015 was a milestone that highlights the strong links that our university has with the Geneva community. At the same time, Arese Visconti’s work allows the city of Geneva to showcase the strong relationship between Switzerland and Italy.”

The theme of Expo 2015, which is running from May to October of this year, is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” and it aims to create a didactic experience for visitors, while increasing their awareness of the right to food, its economic sustainability and the preservation of taste and of food culture in countries around the globe.
Switzerland was the first country to sign up to take part in Expo 2015 Milan and has historically played an active role in the majority of official universal and international exhibitions held over the years. This year, the Swiss Pavilion showcases its three largest cities: Zurich, Geneva and Basel.

Universal Expositions are huge international events held over a six month period. They aim to provide a cultural, educational and commercial experience to visitors and participating countries. The first edition was held in London in 1851. For this edition, 145 countries are participating in Expo 2015 Milano and it is expected to draw in 20 million visitors.
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