Psychology Dream Workshop

Dream WorkshopDream WorkshopDream WorkshopDream Workshop

Story by Webster Geneva Student Julia Sader

On Saturday March 25th, a Dream Workshop took place at Webster Geneva Campus Campus. The workshop was led by Professor Betty Sacco-German and Professor Neil German, both trained at the Jungian Institute in Zurich as Jungian analysts. Betty and Neil are also part of the Psychology faculty here at Webster Geneva Campus.

The workshop was varied as it incorporated both the theoretical standpoint to Jungian dream analysis, but it also had a practical side where the participants were asked to work through their dreams through a Jungian psychodrama. The Psychodrama was supervised by both Neil and Betty; the dreams unveiled the unconscious fears and anxieties which originated from the dreamer. The participants said that after enacting their dreams, they managed to resolve conflicts they had within, which made them feel happier and calmer about their lives. As a participant myself, I can say that I felt deeply moved to witness just how emotional it was for the dreamer. Through the enactment they managed to resolve their deep conflicts or simply shed some light on those struggles. The dream workshop was fascinating and participants left more knowledgeable about dream analysis. Many said that they were feeling curious about their unconscious and inquisitive about the land of dreams.