Saral to Participate in SIFE at the University of Chicago
Krista J. Saral, Assistant Professor of Economics in the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology at Webster Geneva Campus was selected to participate in the Summer Institute on Field Experiments (SIFE) at the University of Chicago in July, 2017.
The goal of SIFE is to “…partner 20 of the brightest young scholars in the world with organizations interested in using field experiments and behavioral economics to answer their most compelling business questions.”
Krista’s research focus lies in using behavioral economics to address issues in mechanism design (e.g. how to properly design auction markets). In the institute, she has been partnered with Colombia Compra Eficiente, the governing entity for public procurement in Colombia. They will work together on issues in procurement auction design, using field experiments to test policy solutions that lead to increased efficiency in the procurement process.