78 Magazine Launched Online

Media Communications and Photography department is proud to announce the launch of 78 Magazine Blog - an electronic version of 78 Magazine. This blog will be run by students, and will be a space for them to share their work and experiences on the Webster Geneva campus.
Merima Huseinovic, who is currently editing the site, said of the launch, "Our students are innovative, creative and capable of producing amazing work. This is why we are honored to provide them with a platform and online space to share what they do. This blog is their own corner of the online world where they have the opportunity to be seen and heard."
"We entered the era where online presence is very important for future employees of the world. In hope to prepare our students for life after studies, we provide practical experience of producing, publishing, and editing content for the online world through this blog. 78 Magazine Blog will contain stories on activities, events and projects that are going on here on our campus."
"We are happy to open our doors to you and let you dive into the beauty of our everyday activities at Webster Geneva Campus."
The blog can be found at 78magazine.webster.ch