Research Activity - February 2018
Symposium for the Centenial of WWI
Professor Francisco Rubio (Department of International Relations) organized with professor Olivier Zunz (University of Virginia) and the Museum of WWI in Meaux (France) a symposium in April 2017 for the centenial of WWI. The topic was: American Philanthropy during WWI. The symposium is now published in Tocquevile Review
Glaveanu Becomes Advisor for LEGO Foundation

Vlad Glaveanu, the Head of the Psychology and Counselling Department and Director of the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation (WCCI), became an advisor board member for the two-year Creativity Project initiated by the LEGO Foundation's Center for Research on Creativity, Play and Learning. This project aims to examine the nature of the creative process and provide tools for researchers, practitioners and policy makers interested in assessing and fostering creativity. Dr. Glaveanu has attended the first meeting for this project in Billund in early February and will take part in the LEGO Idea Conference, 9-11 April 2018.