Research Activity - May 2018
Jancikova Presents Research at EIASM Conference
Dr. Aleksandra Jancikova, Professor and Director of Corporate Partnerships at Webster University Geneva, presented her research on Adoption of Agility Characteristics at the EIASM Conference on Strategic Human Resources Management, at the University of Catania in Italy. As part of the event, she also participated in a panel discussion on Leadership and Values and contributed to the closing session on Performance, Evaluation, and Effectiveness of HRM in Organizations. The event was well attended by many researchers and professors from leading European Universities but also by the practitioners who were looking to learn more about latest research findings in the field of Strategic Human Resources Management.
New Collaborative Research Project for Jachens
Dr. Liza Jachens has a new, international, collaborative research project that develops and continues her focus in occupational health research. Together with Professor Jonathan Houdmont (Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology, School of Medicine , University of Nottingham), they will be investigating work- related stress for both the UK Police Federation and UK Police Force. The ultimate objective of the proposed project is to generate recommendations on reasonable and realistic interventions concerning managerial support and leadership behaviors, characteristics, and arrangements to foster a healthy and resilient population of front-line response officers and support staff that operate in rural and isolated locations.
Glaveanu to Become Editor of Palgrave Encyclopaedia of the Possible
Vlad Glaveanu, Head of the Department of Psychology and Counseling, has been offered a contract to become the editor of the upcoming Palgrave Encyclopaedia of the Possible, a work that is projected to include 250 entries on key concepts within this emerging and interdisciplinary field of research. Engaging with the possible is a distinctively human capacity, one that enables us to think, create, interact with others within society, and to build culture. This Encyclopedia aims to examine the notion of the possible and the numerous concepts and themes associated with it today from the standpoint of various disciplines (e.g., psychology, philosophy, sociology, neuroscience, mathematics) and multidisciplinary fields of research (e.g., anticipation studies, futures studies, complexity theory, creativity and imagination research, among others). It will adopt multiple perspectives on the possible, from developmental (considering its emergence in pretend play and games, in the use of symbols and tools such as technology) to applied (in domains such as the arts, architecture, design, and business). Its focus is on how we explore the possible through processes such as possibility thinking, counterfactual thinking, wondering, anticipation, and so on. Last but not least, it will include entries about eminent scholars who made important contributions to the areas mentioned above (e.g., Sartre, Heidegger, Bakhtin, Dewey, Piaget, Freud, Bruner). The project is expected to be completed in October 2020 but the work will be published as a living reference on the SpringerLink platform as soon as the first chapters are approved. Vlad had a long term collaboration with Palgrave Macmillan as co-editor of the book series Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture.