Study Abroad Programs in the Center of Europe

Situated in the French speaking part of Switzerland on the shores of Lake Geneva in the foothills of the Alps, Geneva is acclaimed as one of Europe's most naturally beautiful and internationally diverse cities. Close to 50% of the population in Geneva come from other countries, and most people in Switzerland speak two or three languages. Local services are accustomed to helping foreigners feel at home — and a significant population in Geneva speaks English.
Study Abroad in the Heart of Europe
[Music begins with a Webster University Logo appearing.]
Text on screen: Webster Geneva Campus – Study Abroad in the Heart of Europe
[The logo is replaced by an interview shot of a student with clips of picturesque Geneva. The entire video is interview shots intertwined with footage of Geneva or the students.]
Text on screen: Eric, Saint Ambrose University
The Webster campus is super cool. I mean, I love when you walk out from the top floor of Jura, you can just see the Alps in the background. I mean, that's just -- I'm from Chicago, I'm from Plains, I see corn and windmills, so to see mountains like that is awesome.
Text on screen: Kelly, Kent State University
This campus is gorgeous and coming to class every single day on the tram and seeing the landscapes of the city really makes coming to class fun. I come from a very big university, so having small classes of 20 students is very different than my 400+ lecture halls.
Text on screen: Hannah, Kent State University
The campus is so small, so you get to know everyone that's here. There's a mix between study abroad, students from the U.S. and people from all over the world.
Text on screen: Megan, Webster University, St. Louis
Geneva is like a very central city in Europe, so we're able to travel a lot. My friends and I are able to travel a lot on the weekends and that was a big reason why I wanted to study abroad.
Text on screen: Analysa, Kent State University
Professors here really take the time to take your situation into consideration and they understand that you are traveling, you are having these experiences, but they do want you to not only test well and do well here, but they want you to retain this information and apply it to your field. And that is something I feel sometimes is missing with other universities, but Webster's teachers really hit that nail on the head.
Living in Geneva has been fun. It's really good if you're from a small town and you want to acclimate to a large town. It's kind of that perfect mixture between small town and large town. So if you're not really comfortable living in a city, I think it's a perfect town for you to live in.
Text on screen: Gavin, Kent State University
I had been to Europe before and visited London, Paris and… Geneva is much different. It's really cool that it's kind of nestled in the mountains and you have the lake. It's very picturesque, it's very beautiful.
Everything is always on time, which is amazing. But it's also really nice, especially living in Libres, which is the student residence that Websters provides to us, because you are a two-minute walk from a bus station, the tram station, you're so close to shops and restaurants and trails. It's kind of both of the best worlds being, you know, the outdoor hiking world, which I love, but then also living in the city and getting to have that nightlife experience.
Text on screen: Claire, Webster University, St. Louis
What I expected from Geneva as a city was a ton of diversity, a ton of international people. But I think what I hadn't expected was how diverse Webster campus would be.
Though there is diversity at my campus back home, it's just not the same level of diversity. Here at Webster, I've met students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Nepal…
From Spain, from Ecuador. I guess I could keep going for forever.
Text on screen: Wyatt, Kent State University
Such a combination of people here that everyone you meet has a completely different story and upbringing than you, and I think that is so valuable.
Text on screen: Adam, Kent State University
You can visit all of Europe here if you play your cards right. And that's been one of the best experiences about being here, is just being able to explore everything that I never thought I'd be able to see.
I've been able to visit a lot of different places all around Europe, and it's been such a powerful experience to be able to travel as much as I have and just see so much of the world in such a short amount of time.
Text on screen: Christa, St. Louis University
We started out going to Paris, Amsterdam, London, then we stayed in the general area. We went to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland and Annecy, France, which is really, really close.
Text on screen: Ayla, Kent State University
Milan and Venice in Italy. And then we went to Berlin, Germany. It was really cool. I've gotten to see so many cool places since being here.
And Webster puts together a ski weekend trip in Zermatt, which is the Matterhorn. It was gorgeous and they organized the whole thing for skiing. It was a great opportunity to take the train with everyone, get to know all the other Webster students, and as well as other city abroad students.
Paris was like, it was so cool. It was the first place we traveled to. It was like, we went like two weeks after we first got here. We just spontaneously went to Paris because you can do that when you live in Geneva.
I never expected to be taking trains everywhere because it's you just don't have them in the States. But I've taken so many train trips, which has just been awesome.
Text on screen: Jess, Boston College
I came to Geneva to snowboard. I brought my snowboard out, I brought all my ski gear out. And every Tuesday, in January and February, I actually went to Chamonix, France and it was -- it was the epitome of my study abroad experience.
You see pictures of it all the time, and it just doesn't quite describe the experience that you have up there, like being a part of the mountains and the snow and seeing the sun start to come down over the mountains. It's like -- it's pretty incredible. It's something that I wish everybody could experience once.
Studying abroad will add value to my career. I know that having an experience in a global setting is super important to a lot of companies, so being able to just talk to people of different cultural backgrounds know of different languages, cultures, everything, and just like seeing the world outside of your own perspective is super helpful.
One thing that's great about studying abroad, especially here, is what it's going to do for me and my future, especially when it comes to my career. I am studying international studies, international relations. And so first of all, just living abroad shows employers like I know how to adapt into new situations, into new cultures. I'm able to learn while living in other places.
I feel that study abroad will definitely change the way that I look at my future in terms of where I would like to end up. Now that I now have a better taste of what Europe is like, I have -- I could definitely see myself living here for an extended period of time, down the road, or perhaps look for jobs here. No, no doubt and that's something I couldn’t confidently say before I came here.
One of the most important reasons to study abroad in general is to learn what it's like to live in other places. But it's also, of course, very enjoyable. It helps you grow as a person. And then Geneva specifically, I think you should study out because of the people and the travel opportunities. Honestly, that's what it was for me.
Well, I would tell anyone back home who is thinking about sitting abroad is definitely do it. It's such an amazing experience. I feel like I've grown a lot as a person because I came here and it's like it's just been such a rewarding experience and I've loved it so much.
And what I would tell anyone back home I was thinking about coming here is absolutely do it. I can guarantee you'll have no regrets.
Like you're probably very nervous to come here, but it's actually so easy. The staff is so welcoming. They take you from the airport to your accommodation, you live with mostly all study abroad students, so you're all in this together.
What I would tell you in back home who's thinking about studying abroad here is definitely to do it. It can feel super intimidating and super scary, but the second I got here, I was so excited that I did it and I loved it.
If you're hesitant because you're going alone and you don't have a group of friends who are going with you -- still go! I didn't know anyone before, and most people feel that they have to travel in groups when they go to different countries. But it's really empowering to go by yourself and strike it out on your own and be able to just follow your own schedule.
What I would tell anybody back home that is hesitant about coming: I relate to you. I came in not knowing a single person that was coming to Geneva and I met two of my closest friends in the whole world here. So I definitely think if you're if you're hesitant, just take the step and come because it's amazing.
[The interview and Geneva footage fades away as Webster University logo appears and the music quietens.]
Text on screen: Webster Geneva Campus
Text on screen: www.webster.ch/studyabroad
Home to the European headquarters of the United Nations and numerous International Organizations, Geneva has a long history of diversity and tolerance dating back to the Protestant Reformation. Its humanitarian tradition began with the creation of the Red Cross, and continues today as home of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Lake Geneva's central location, diverse population and business-friendly policies has attracted global companies and organizations, like Nestle and the International Olympic Committee. Renowned for its quality of life, safety and scenery, the city of Geneva has convenient public transportation system, and its relatively small scale (about 200,000 residents) makes life manageable for study abroad students.