International Relations Faculty

Lionel Fatton

Lionel Fatton, PhD

Head of the International Relations Program; Assistant Professor, Research Methods, Security Studies, Asian Area Studies

Lionel Fatton is assistant professor of International Relations and Outreach Coordinator to UN and NGOs at Webster Geneva Campus. He is also research collaborator at the Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, Meiji University, Tokyo. His research interests include international and security dynamics in East and Southeast Asia, China-Japan-US relations, Japan’s security policy, civil-military relations and Neoclassical realism. He holds a PhD in Political Science, specialization International Relations, from Sciences Po Paris and two MA in International Relations from Waseda University in Tokyo and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.


Fatton, L.P. (2023). Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War: The Institutional Roots of Overbalancing (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan), 313pp.

Fatton, L.P., Foppiani, O. (2019).  Japan's Awakening: Moving Toward an Autonomous Security Policy (Bern and New York: Peter Lang), 375pp. Winner of the Otto Hieronymi Prize 2019 and finalist at the Asian Studies Book Fair, 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 11), Leiden, July 2019.


Fatton, L.P. (2024). “Departing from isolationism: Japan’s emergence as a regional security actor.” 9DashLine, May 2024.

Fatton, L.P. (2024). “Sailing close to the wind: Japan’s forward deterrence posture toward the Taiwan Strait.” Asian Security, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 2024.

Fatton, L.P. (2022). Vers une nouvelle ère de militarisation (et d’instabilité ?) en Indo-Pacifique. Le Rubicon, July 2022.

Fatton, L.P. (2020). New Japanese Strike Weapons Could Spark an Asian Arms Race. The National Interest, September 2020.

Fatton, L.P. (2020). Japan’s Space Program: Shifting Away from ‘Non-Offensive’ Purposes? Asie.Visions, Institut français de relations internationales (Ifri), July 2020.

Fatton, L.P. (2020). Is Japan entering the new space race?East Asia Forum, Feb. 2020.

Fatton L.P. (2019). All eyes on Washington. Policy Forum, October 2019.

Fatton L.P. (2019). Japan’s awakening to a multipolar world. East Asia Forum, June 2019.

Fatton L.P. (2019). A new spear in Asia: why is Japan moving toward autonomous defense? International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. 297-325.

Fatton L.P. (2018). ‘Japan is back’: Autonomy and balancing amidst an unstable China-U.S.-Japan triangle. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 264-78.

Fatton L.P. (2018). ‘Japan is Back’: but which Japan? Policy Forum, May 2018.

Fatton L.P. (2017). A US-China Entente Cordiale to Relieve the North Korean Headache. IPI Global Observatory, September 2017.

Fatton L.P. (2017). Institutional Dynamics, Civil-Military Relations and Japan’s 1936 Withdrawal from the Washington System. The Journal of the Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, No. 4, pp. 25-39.

Fatton L.P. (2017). Could China’s Diplomatic Proposal Break the North Korean Deadlock?IPI Global Observatory, June 2017.

Fatton L.P. (2017). Stabilising East Asia by striking Syria. Policy Forum, April 2017.

Editorial/peer reviewing activities

Member of the Advisory Board, “Conflict Barometer,” Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, University of Heidelberg.

Peer reviews:


Jubin Goodarzi

Jubin Goodarzi, PhD

Head of MA in Migration, Climate Change and the Environment; Associate Professor, Migration/Refugees, Middle East Studies, Third World Development

Jubin M. Goodarzi is Associate Professor and Acting Director of the International Relations Department at Webster Geneva Campus. He was previously a consultant and political adviser on Middle Eastern affairs for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva. He has also worked with a number of U.S. and U.K. research institutes and foundations, including the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C., the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London, and the Ford Foundation in New York. Dr. Goodarzi is author of Syria and Iran: Diplomatic Alliance and Power Politics in the Middle East (London: I.B. Tauris, 2009), and numerous articles and book reviews on the international relations of the Middle East.


Goodarzi, J.M. (2006). Syria and Iran: Diplomatic Alliance & Power Politics in the Middle East (London: I.B. Tauris), pp. 368 (Original Hardback Edition).

Goodarzi, J.M. (2009). Syria and Iran: Diplomatic Alliance & Power Politics in the Middle East (London: I.B. Tauris), pp. 376 (Paperback Edition with a new and updated preface).


Goodarzi J.M. (2013). "Syria and Iran: Alliance Politics in an Evolving Regional Environment," Middle Eastern Studies: Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 31-54.

Goodarzi J.M. (2012). "Syria and Iran: Alliance Politics in a Changing Regional Environment," Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2012, pp. 38-44.

Goodarzi, J.M. (2010). “Radicalism or Realpolitik? The Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Babylon: The Nordic Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 80-91.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Goodarzi, J.M. (2013). “Iran and Syria: An Enduring Alliance,” in Iran and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, edited by Chehabi, H.E., Farhad K. and Therme, C. (Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers), pp. 266-284.

Goodarzi, J.M. (2013). “Iran: Syria as the First Line of Defence,” in The Regional Struggle for Syria, edited by Barnes-Dacey, J., and Levy, D. (London: European Council on Foreign Relations), pp. 25-31.

Goodarzi, J.M. (2010). “Iran and the Region: Iran and Syria,” in The Iran Primer: Power, Politics and US Policy, edited by Wright, R. (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace) pp. 175-177.

Christophe Germann

Christophe Germann, PhD

Faculty, International Migration Law, International Disaster Law

Christophe Germann received his PhD from the University of Bern where he also served as Law Faculty in International Relations and International Law related to Artificial Intelligence (


Dina Ionesco

Dina Ionesco, MA

Co-Director and Lecturer, Migration, Climate Change and Environment, Master Program Geneva Campus (MAMCE)

Dina IONESCO has over 25 years of work experience at international level, with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, UN Climate Change), the International Organization on Migration (IOM, UN Migration), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in the non-governmental sector, academia and as an independent consultant. Dina joined the UN Climate Change Secretariat in November 2021, as a manager in the Adaptation Division, with a focus non-regional groups, facilitating the partnership with the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and enhancing the focus on human mobility and other cross-cutting issues.

Over the past decade, Dina spearheaded the work on migration and climate change at IOM, establishing the first ever UN Migration, Environment and Climate Change focused Division and IOM’s first Environmental Sustainability Program. Her work contributed to the groundbreaking recognition of migration in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in 2015, and to the important inclusion of environmental and climate issues in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in 2018, with a focus on guiding innovative policy options to protect migrants. Dina’s work led to the operationalization of the migration and climate change nexus, through numerous programs and projects worldwide, including some multimillion projects, implemented with a wide range of donors and partners, and impacting policy makers, researchers, communities, and migrants. Dina initiated, produced and co-authored numerous publications and articles, including the flagship publication the Atlas of Environmental Migration, and was awarded in 2016 the distinction ‘Inspirational woman working to protect the environment’ at the initiative of UN Environment, the Geneva Environment Network and the Swiss Confederation.

A Romanian and French national, Dina is trained in Business Studies with a Post-Graduate Diploma from the London School of Economics (UK), in European Studies, with a Master degree from Sussex University (UK) and graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (France). Dina is passionate about human rights, the protection of nature, migration, gender, education and art; she regularly contributes to artistic projects and draws cartoons and children’s illustrations. Dina co-directs the new Webster Geneva Campus Campus Master program on Migration, Climate Change and the Environment (MAMCE) that started in Fall 2022.


Eva Mach

Eva Mach, MA

Faculty, Environmental Sustainability

MA (Geneva Graduate Institute)


Mach on LinkedIn

Ivana Machonova Schellongova

Ivana Machonova Schellongova, PhD

Faculty, International Law and Human Rights

Ivana Machonova Schellongova hold a PhD from Charles University, Prague.


Carlo Maria Marenghi

Carlo Maria Marenghi, PhD

Faculty, Diplomatic Negotiation, Patent Law

Carlo Maria Marenghi holds a PhD from Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, Rome.


Marenghi, C.M. (Ed.) (2020). A Common Journey for Social Justice, 1919–2019. The Holy See and the International Labor Organization (Rome: Lateran University Press), 56 pp.

Joseph Marques

Joseph Marques, PhD

Faculty, International Politics and Economics, Global Governance and Latin America

Joseph Marques, holds a PhD from The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID).


Heikki Mattila

Heikki Mattila, PhD

Faculty, Migration and Refugee Studies, International Relations

Heikki Mattila holds a PhD from the University of Geneva.


Susanne Peters

Susanne Peters, PhD

Faculty, International Relations, Energy Security

Susanne Peters holds a PhD from the European University Institute.


Peters S. (2014), “The ‘Tight Oil Revolution’ and its Consequences for the European Union: A ‘Wake-up Call’ for its Neglected Energy Security,” Security and Peace, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 170-175.

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Peters, S. (2014). “Coercive Western Energy Security Strategies: ‘Resource Wars’ as a New Threat to Global Security,” in a reprinted volume edited by B.K. Sovacool, Energy Security (SAGE Library of International Relations).

Marcello Puca

Marcello Puca, PhD

Faculty, Microeconomics

Marcello Puca is an assistant professor at the University of Bergamo and research fellow at the Center for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF) and Webster Geneva Campus. He obtained two master's degrees in quantitative economics from the Toulouse School of Economics and a PhD in Economics from the University of Naples Federico II. He has been visiting scholar at the Northwestern University School of Law and the Catholic University of Sacred Heart. His research focuses on law and economics and applied microeconomics, with a focus on group decision-making. His has expertise in theoretical modelling, traditional empirical methods and laboratory experiments, and has taught at the undergraduate, graduate and MBA level.


Buonanno, P., S. Galletta, and M. Puca. “The role of civic capital on vaccination.” Forthcoming on Health Economics (2023). Open access link:

Buonanno, P., G. Plevani, and M. Puca. “Earthquake hazard and civic capital.” Forthcoming on European Journal of Political Economy (2023).

Puca, M. and Pignatti, C.. (2022). Le misure a supporto di lavoratori e imprese durante la pandemia di COVID-19 in Italia. International Labour Organization, Rome 2022. ISBN: 978-92-2-036590-8

Puca, M. and Gavrilova-Zoutman E. (2022). “Peer Effects in Crime” forthcoming in A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

Buonanno, P. and Puca, M. (2021). “Using newspaper obituaries to ‘nowcast’ daily mortality: Evidence from the Italian COVID-19 hot-spots.” Health Policy.

Buonanno P., Galletta S., Puca M. (2020) “Estimating the severity of COVID-19: Evidence from the Italian epicenter.” PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239569.


Marcello Puca personal website   Marcello Puca SSRN scholarly papers   Marcello Puca Google Scholar citations   Marcello Puca on Twitter   Marcello Puca currriculum vitae (PDF)

Francisco Rubio

Francisco Rubio, JD

Faculty, INGOs

Francisco Rubio holds a JD from the University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne.


Rubio, F. (Ed.) (2017). Don et solidarité. La philanthropie américaine durant la Grande Guerre. Numéro monothématique de La Revue Tocqueville. Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2, 2017.


Rubio, F. (2018). "Action humanitaire : urgence et développement." Juris associations, No. 585, October 1st, 2018, pp. 19-21.

Gervais Rufyikiri

Gervais Rufyikiri, PhD

Faculty, Food and Water Security

Gervais Rufyikiri hold a PhD from the Universite catholique de Louvain.


Jeanette Tantillo

Jeanette Tantillo, MA

Faculty, Professional Seminar, INGOs

Jeanette Tantillo holds a MA from The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID).


Mara Tignino

Mara Tignino, PhD

Faculty, International Environmental Law and International Water Law

Mara Tignino holds a PhD from The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID).


Kristina Touzenis

Kristina Touzenis, LMM

Faculty, International Relations

Kristina Touzenis holds a LMM from the University of Copenhagen.


Paul Vallet

Paul Vallet, PhD

Faculty, International Relations

Paul Vallet holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge.


Michel Veuthey

Michel Veuthey, PhD

Associate Professor, International Law and International Humanitarian Law

Michel Veuthey holds a PhD from the University of Geneva.


Veuthey, M. (2020). Refonder la coopération internationale. In M. Feix, M.-J. Tiel, P.H. Dembinski (Eds.), Peuple et populisme, identité et nation. Quelle contribution à la paix? Quelles perspectives européennes? (pp. 267-289). Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.